
Tuesday, 17 November 2020

UML- Unified Modeling Language

UML stands for Unified Modeling Language. It’s a rich language to model software solutions, application structures, system behavior and business processes.

There are 14 UML diagram types to help you model these behaviors.

You can draw UML diagrams using MS Visio software. There are two main categories

1.Structure diagrams or Static view

2.Behavioral diagrams or Dynamic view 

           UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a standard language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software systems.

It was initially started to capture the behavior of complex software and non-software system and now it has become an OMG ( Object Management Group ) standard.

  • UML stands for Unified Modeling Language.
  • UML is different from the other common programming languages such as C++, Java, COBOL, etc.
  • UML is a pictorial language used to make software blueprints.
  • UML can be described as a general-purpose visual modeling language to visualize, specify, construct, and document software systems.
  • Although UML is generally used to model software systems, it is not limited to this boundary. It is also used to model non-software systems as well. For example, the process flow in a manufacturing unit, etc.
  • UML is not a programming language but tools can be used to generate code in various languages using UML diagrams. UML has a direct relation with object-oriented analysis and design. After some standardization, UML has become an OMG standard.

1 UML Diagram

1.1 User View

1.1.1 Use case Diagram:

Use case diagram is created to visualize the interaction of our system with the outside world. The components of the use case diagram are:

Use Case: Scenarios of the system

Actor: Someone or something who is interacting with the system

Relationship: Semantic link between use case and actor. The forms of relationship are:

1.2 Structural view

1.2.2 Class Diagram
                  The class diagram shows the structure of the software system. The class diagram shows a set of classes, interfaces, and their relationships.

Public (+) − A public member is visible from anywhere in the system. In class diagram, it is prefixed by the symbol '+'. 

Private (-)  A private member is visible from within the class. It cannot be accessed from outside the class A private member is prefixed by the symbol '−'. 

Protected (#) A protected member is visible from within the class and from the subclasses inherited from this class, but not from outside, it is prefixed by the symbol '#'.

The components are:

a)     Class

b)    Relationship:

 The forms of relationship are:

1. Association

2. Aggregation

3.Dependency /  Composition

4.  Generalization /specialization

         Generalization ( Bottom to Top ) means creating new sub  classes from an existing class

         Specialization ( Top to Bottom ) is the reverse process of generalization means creating new sub classes from an existing class

Class Diagram:

2) Example:

1.2.2 Object Diagram

                      Object diagram shows objects and links among objects. The components are:

a) Object

b) Link


1.3. Process View

1.3.1 Activity Diagram

Activity diagram shows the flow of events within our system. The components are:

a)     Start State

b)    End State

c)     Transition

d)    Decision Box

e)     Synchronization Bar

f)      Swim Lane

1.3.2 Sequence Diagram

         Sequence diagram shows the step to step what must be  happen to accomplish a piece of functionality provided by the system. The components are:

a)     Activation

b)    Object Lifeline

c)     Lifeline 

d)    Messages

e)     Focus of Control

1.3.3 Collaboration Diagram

             Collaboration diagram displays object interactions organized around objects and their links to one another. The components are:

a)     Classifier role

b)    Association role

c)     Link

1.3.4 State chart Diagram

       State chart diagram show a life cycle of a single class. The state is a condition where the object may be in. The components are:

a)    Initial state

b)    Final state

c)     State

d)    Transition

1.4 Implementation View

1.4.1 Component Diagram

Component is a smallest individual physical replaceable part of the system. Component diagram shows the organization and dependencies among software components. The components present are:

a)     Component

b)    Dependency

1.5. Deployment View

1.5.1 Deployment Diagram

Deployment diagram visualizes the distribution of components across the enterprise. The components present are:

a)     Note

b)    Node Instance

c)     Node

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